Monday, January 10, 2005

I just rolled a dice

And because I lacked a real one, I just read the rand(3) manpage and wrote a small Hello World like program. I needed a dice, because I could choose between 6 things which I have to do or want to do and I really couldn't decide at all which I should give preference.
Of course it's pretty obvious that I should do that stuff that I have to do first and that I want to do later, but I couldn't do it that way and I was torn apart between striking a balance (in favor of what I want to do) and following my duties. So here is the list:

#1 answering e-mails
#2 doing stuff for university
#3 playing guitar
#4 playing computer games
#5 write an article for this blog
#6 empty the trash can

Okay, now I am done! Next roll....

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