Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Dreamland song analyst

Whoever hastried himself onwriting asong? Inever imaginedhow todo this,but Ihave gottencurious lately. Whatis itthat wecould writeabout ina song? Aboutlove? Abouthappiness? Afunny storyperhaps, somethingthat hashappened tous already.
Solet' sstart byanalizing somesong. Let's takeLimp BizkitBehind BlueEyes:

It starts with a nice guitar rythm when the vocal finally tells us:
"No one knows what it's like / to be the bad man / to be the sad man / behind blue eyes"

From this first line we can already see that the author is grossly exaggerating or unbelievable lonely and because we do want to listen further and becaue of the nice guitar rythm let's assume he is incredibly lonely, knows no one else and thus is permitted to make such statements. His blue eyes - if they can be called his - also seem to suggest that he is innocent and new. On it goes:
"No one knows what it's like / to be hated / to be fated / to telling only lies"

Nothing really knew. The author still assumes he is the only person in the world, hatred is obviously only known to him (or not even that). Somebody is probably also telling lies... Who could that be?
We could start a vague interpretation now, about him being in the place of an unwanted baby. The first line already mentioned that he is the bad and the sad guy, yet innocent, if we interpret the blue eyes that way. Probably indoctrinated by an outside world sworn against him. Let's see how it goes on:

"But my dreams they aren't as empty / as my conscience seems to be / I have hours / only lonely / my love is vengeance / that's never free"

Interesting! He has dreams that seem to be more than his own ethnic and moral principles dictate him. Moral principles that we can assume were forced upon him. It seems he wants to be someone else. He has much time, but is lonely and loving is a big problem for him. Another sign that he might have been turned down in his early years. Next line:

"No one knows what its like / to feel these feelings / like i do / and i blame you!

The problem with his love seems to be quite troublesome. He is grieving and anger is deep inside him. A figure is somewhere out there, that is the cause of his situation. With "these feelings" he most probably refers to being hated, feeling sad and bad from above. He talks himself into a situation where he is forced to have some kind of tunnel vision and project his failure on "you".

"No one bites back as hard / on their anger / none of my pain and woe can show through"
As we have pictured in the last line already, he is giving more and more into his situation, neglecting and ignoring possible help and other solutions. The mad baby is born! Slowly we get a feeling why the world calls him bad and hates him.

The rest of the song takes on a similar style. He calls out that there cannot be anybody who'd understand him, because obviously he was innocent with his blue eyes and the world was so mad about him. We don't know if he was really the innocent baby that he claims to be and can only guess. So you'd either believe him and be mad as well, but beware even if you try, he'll give you a hard time understanding him, or you don't believe him and play into the bad world and strength his feelings. What would a Jedi do?

-- Dreamland Song Analyser v0.72 beta --


cal said...

I really love this song, and i enjoyed reading this post. Did you analyse this your own? if you did, u really done a great job... :) cheers!

Don Andre said...

wow, thx! :)